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WPCC Information Events


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We organize regular information fairs where all parties can get together, get to know each other and get the help or facts they need. Find out about events by taking a look at the articles on this page and/or visit our easy-to-use What's on calendars.

Below you will also find overviews of our previous information events along with presentation slides and our responses to event feedback.

WPCC's February 2024 SENDIS Information Event

Thank you to everyone who attended our SENDIS Information Event on 2nd February at Trowbridge Civic Centre; 178 people booked to attend! This was a free event for parent carers and professionals who work with children and/or young people who have Special Educational Needs and/or a Disability (SEND).

The aim of the event was to provide a range of information to help parent carers understand the choices and options available for their child as they navigate through the SEND journey, showcase elements of the Local Offer in an accessible and interactive format, and provide a comfortable space and opportunities to facilitate networking opportunities for both parent carers and professionals alike.

There were 40 stands in the marketplace covering a variety of information, including the following areas :-

  • SEND, Short Breaks youth activities, information for young people, transport, support for parent carers, education and health.

Click on the following links to take a look at the following from the day:-

Event Evaluation
Take a look at our Evaluation Report to see the comments and feedback received about the day.

WPCC's November 2023 Early Years & Primary Information Event

Thank you to everyone who attended our Early Years and Primary Event on 7th November at Trowbridge Civic Centre; approximately 120 people attended. This was a free event for parent carers and professionals who work with children and/or young people who have Special Educational Needs and/or a Disability (SEND).

The aim of the event was to provide a range of information to help parent carers of early years and primary-aged children understand the choices and options available for their child as they navigate through the SEND journey, showcasing elements of the Local Offer in an accessible and interactive format, and providing a comfortable space and opportunities to facilitate networking opportunities for both parent carers and professionals.

There were 31 stands in the information marketplace covering a variety of information, including the following areas:-

  • Statutory SEND, Children’s Centres, District Specialist Centres, Local Offer, Adoption and Fostering Support, Family Hubs and Carer Advice, Support and Representation.

Click on the following links to take a look at the following from the day: -

Event Evaluation
Take a look at our Evaluation Report to see the comments and feedback received about the day.

WPCC's November 2022 Preparation for Adulthood Information Event

Thank you to everyone who attended our Preparation for Adulthood Event on Wednesday 2nd November at Trowbridge Civic Centre; approximately 150 people attended. This was a free event for parent carers and professionals who work with children and/or young people who have Special Educational Needs and/or a Disability (SEND). The aim of the event was to provide a range of information to help parent carers understand some of the choices and options available for their child as they support them to prepare for their adult life.

There were 34 stands in the information marketplace covering a variety of information, including the following areas:-

  • SEND, Short Breaks youth activities, information for young people, transport, support for parent carers, education, training, employment support and health.

Click on the following links to take a look at the following from the day: -

Event Evaluation
Take a look at our Evaluation Report to see the comments and feedback received about the day.

WPCC’s March Information Event – Anxiety Workshop Slides

The workshop on anxiety at our recent information event on 25th March was well received by those who attended. We are delighted to now be able to share the slides from this session, which include updated links and additional information in response to questions from parent carers who attended the sessions.

Please be mindful that some of the signposting suggested on the slides will possibly go out of date in time.

Please see the presentation slides: Anxiety WPCC Workshop 25 March 22

Overview of Transitions Information Event: Preparing for Adulthood 2019

On 12th November 2019, Wiltshire Parent Carer Council ran an event called ‘Transitions Information Event: Preparing for Adulthood’. This was a free event for parent carers and professionals who work with children and/or young people who have Special Educational Needs and/or a Disability (SEND). The aim of the event was to provide a range of information and workshops to help parent carers understand some of the choices and options available for their child as they support them to prepare for their adult life.

We once again ran our 'Live Café' with refreshments and cake available to enjoy at tables throughout the morning in the middle of the main Market Place of information. Refreshments were replaced by a buffet lunch at lunchtime.

There were 34 stands in the marketplace covering a variety of information, including the following areas:-
SEND, Short Breaks youth activities, information for young people, transport, support for parent carers, education, training, employment support and health. Click here to see the full list of organisations that booked to have a stand at our event and what they do.

Key Note Speech
To open the event there was a key note speech with accompanying Presentation Slides by Justine Henderson (Project Lead - SEND) and Claire Edgar (Director of Adult Care Operations).
To see the slides from the Key Note Speech please CLICK HERE

Parent carers were able to book into some or none of the two information sessions on offer throughout the day. These were:-

The Care Act
This was facilitated by the Community Team for People with Learning Disabilities

This workshop explored what the Care Act means to young people and parent carers, and its implications. Content of the workshop explored:

  • rights and protection for carers and the person they care for,
  • what a lawful plan of action looks like,
  • how the local authority and health and other agencies will work together,
  • how the individual's well-being will be supported and promoted,
  • how to request an assessment,
  • what are eligible needs according to national eligibility criteria,
  • how a carers' assessment fits in to the needs assessment.

To see the Presentation Slides from this please CLICK HERE
To see notes taken from this session please CLICK HERE

Support Planning after EHCPs
This was facilitated by the 0-25 SEND Service.

This workshop explored what transitioning on from an EHCP looks like when young people no longer require access to education.

The workshop aimed to describe what support options are available for young people whose EHCPs are ceased as they move on from education. Content of the workshop explored:

  • how the process is managed and planned for,
  • how will parent carers be involved,
  • how information will be communicated,
  • how transition will be supported,
  • support options for young people.

To see the Presentation Slides for this session please CLICK HERE
To see notes taken from this session please CLICK HERE

Event Evaluation
Take a look at our Evaluation Report to see everyone’s comments and feedback about the day.

Overview of Early Years & Primary Information Event 2019

On Friday 21st June 2019, Wiltshire Parent Carer Council (WPCC) held an Early Years & Primary Information Event at the Corn Exchange in Devizes. This event showcased Local SEND Provision across Wiltshire and provided an opportunity for parent carers and professionals to access the information in a more interactive way. Approximately 100 people attended the event; predominantly made up of parent carers, but also including 10 children attending with their parent carers as well as some 5 professionals. In addition, there were approximately 90 professionals who supported the event by running information stands and workshop sessions.

This was a free event for parent carers and professionals who work with children and/or young people who have Special Educational Needs and/or a Disability (SEND). The aim of the event was to provide a range of information and workshops to help parent carers understand some of the choices and options available for their child as they support them through the beginning of their journey.

The ‘Market Place’ of information was the main focus of the event and included 36 information stands covering the following key areas: Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, Activities Information for young people with SEND, Transport, SEND Support and Health. To see a full list of the organisations who booked to attend, please Click Here. In response to the positive feedback from our previous events, we repeated our 'Live Café'. Tea, coffee and cake was available to enjoy at tables in the middle of the main Market Place throughout the morning, and was replaced by a buffet lunch at lunchtime. This gave attendees an opportunity to pause for refreshments at their leisure, enabling them to sit and take in much of the information around them, as well as providing a relaxed atmosphere for conversations and networking.

Parent carers were able to attend all or none of three ‘workshop sessions’ on offer throughout the day. These were:

A Parent’s Journey
Please click on the following links to see the Workshop Slides and Workshop Notes

Sleep and Continence
Learning Disability nurses presented a workshop covering information about sleep and continence. The Children’s Learning Disability Health Service are a specialist team of Learning Disability Nurses who work across Wiltshire to provide a flexible and accessible service that gives support and advice to families who have a child or young person with a learning disability. They work with children and young people with assessed learning disabilities when universal services, (which means the services any young person can access like health visitors, school nurses or GPs), cannot meet their needs. You can find out more about the Learning Disability Health Service on [Virgin Care's website] or you can telephone Virgin's Care's Single Point of Access (SPA) on 0300 247 0090.
Please click on the following links to see the Sleep Workshop Slides and Sleep Workshop Notes

Promoting Positive Behaviour in Early Years
Please click on the following links to see the Behaviour Workshop Slides and Behaviour Workshop Notes

Photo cropped.jpg
As this was an Early Years & Primary event, parent carers were also invited to bring their young children to make use of a Children’s Entertainer (Dave Hickory) who performed balloon modelling and antics throughout the day.

Event Evaluation

Thank you to all who completed our event evaluation form – take a look at our Evaluation Report to see what everyone thought about the day.

Overview of SENDIS Event 2019

On Friday 8th February 2019, Wiltshire Parent Carer Council (WPCC) held its annual Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information Service (SENDIS) Event at the Corn Exchange in Devizes. This event showcased Local Offer provision across Wiltshire and provided an opportunity for parent carers and professionals to access the information in a more interactive way; 78 parent carers, 7 young people and 8 professionals booked to attend the event, there was also an additional 81 professionals who supported the event by running information stands, demo sessions and providing therapies for parent carers. Parent carers were also ale to visit our Wiltshire Parent Carer Council stand for assistance with their Wiltshire Short Breaks Scheme 2019/20 applications.

The ‘Market Place’ of information was the main focus of the event and included 36 information stands covering the following key areas: Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, Short Breaks, information for young people, transport, support and health. To see a full list of the organisations who booked to attend, please click here. In response to the positive feedback from our Transitions Event in November 2018, we repeated our 'Live Café'. Tea, coffee and cake was available to enjoy at tables in the middle of the main Market Place throughout the morning, and was replaced by a buffet lunch at lunchtime. This gave attendees an opportunity to pause for refreshments at their leisure, enabling them to sit and take in much of the information around them, as well as providing a relaxed atmosphere for conversations and networking.

Parent carers also had the choice to drop in on three ‘demo sessions’ on offer throughout the day. These were:

  • Wiltshire Music Connect – Skoog Demo - This was a chance to meet staff from Wiltshire Music Connect, Wiltshire’s Music Education Hub and to find out about SKOOGS; customisable electronic instruments designed to be inclusive and accessible, especially for those unable to play conventional instruments.
  • Healthy Me – Healthy Lifestyle Support Demo - Healthy Me deliver a free, fun 10 week healthy lifestyle programme for children aged 7 to 11. Healthy Me sessions include fun activities such their ‘supermarket sweep’ hunt and their very popular SMOOTHY BIKE.
  • Wiltshire’s Local Offer – New Website Demo - Having been redesigned in partnership with parent carers, Wiltshire’s new Local Offer website recently went live. This session was a chance to see the new website and an opportunity to explore some of the information on the new site.

For the first time at one of our events, parent carers were able to book a free ‘Time 4 Me’ therapy with one of six professional massage therapists offering 15-minute taster sessions throughout the day. These were provided by:

  • Helen Elder – Oneness Therapies
  • Kerry Cousins and Marie Spoor – Beauty At Home
  • Sally Watts – All About Me Beauty
  • Sarah Hopkins - Not Just Nails by Sarah
  • Elise Welch – Heart Based Therapies

Thank you to all who completed our event evaluation form – take a look at our Evaluation Report to see what everyone thought about the day.

Overview of Transitions Information Event: Moving Towards Adulthood 2018

On 16th November 2018, Wiltshire Parent Carer Council ran an event called ‘Transitions Information Event: Moving Towards Adulthood’. This was a free event for parent carers and professionals who work with children and/or young people who have Special Educational Needs and/or a Disability (SEND). The aim of the event was to provide a range of information and workshops to help parent carers understand some of the choices and options available for their child as they support them to prepare for their adult life. 65 parent carers, 6 young people and 14 professionals signed in to say they attended the event.

For the first time and in response to feedback about refreshments from previous events, we trialled our 'Live Café'. Tea, coffee and cake was available to enjoy at tables throughout the morning in the middle of the main Market Place of information which proved a great opportunity to take in some of the information available at leisure and network with others. Refreshments were replaced by a buffet lunch at lunchtime.

There were 45 stands in the marketplace covering a variety of information, including the following areas:-
SEND, Short Breaks youth activities, information for young people, transport, support for parent carers, education, training, employment support and health. Click here to see the full list of organisations that booked to have a stand at our event and what they do.


Parent carers were able to book into some or none of the four information sessions on offer throughout the day. These were:-

Development of Independence Using Assistive Technologies
This was facilitated by the Royal Mencap Society

From gizmos, older technology of telecare alarm systems, a confusing quantity of apps, home automation and artificial intelligence, there is a bewildering array of assistive technologies in the public domain. Some of these can be used to support and enable safer development of independence for people with learning disabilities, but what do they all achieve? Do they work? Are they just gimmicks?

This workshop helped sift through the gimmicks, the alarms, the myths and look inside what may be possible now and in the future. Technology we can use to enable greater independence, confidence, resilience, improve quality of life and enhance communication, that enables and respects the persons need to be as independent as they are capable of. The technology, combined with effective personal support can, whilst ensuring safeguarding, safety and risks are acknowledged, does not lose sight of encouraging self determination to support growth into confident, resilient and independent adults.

Mencap’s 72 years of experience in supporting people who have a learning disability combined with their ongoing comprehensive research and bespoke development into assistive technology, aims to provide truly forward thinking support that values the person and their families at the heart of our services.

Through this workshop, they aimed to inspire with current innovations and thoughts of a future, where technology is properly assessed, developed and used to benefit people with learning disabilities working together with their families and personal support. In a world where technology is developing exponentially, skills that embrace a digital world have never been more important.

A Home For Life
This workshop explored how a group of parents came together to set up a charity, Rainbow Living, to provide a home for their own and other disabled young people in Devon, ensuring residents have a secure tenancy and choice and control over where and how they live their lives.

The workshop was delivered by Tracey Rockey, a trustee of Rainbow Living, Anna and Susie-Jo Walker, a parent and young person resident of one of the houses in Exeter and a member of Thera Care, the provider chosen by Susie, her housemates and their families to deliver their support.

Tracey explained the history of the charity, which has recently become a charitable company and the operational side as it aspires to secure a 4th and 5th house for young people with Learning Disabilities who need a home.

Anna talked about the process from a parent's perspective, including identifying other prospective residents, working with funders to secure an appropriate package of care and choosing the right care provider. Susie Jo shared a short film about her home.

Thera talked about how they have worked to understand the needs of the residents in Susie’s home and recruit staff to match the residents’ personalities and needs.

Adult Services: The Role of Specialist Commissioning
The Specialist Commissioning team are commissioners within the Adult Social Care department. They ensure appropriate services are in place for people over 18 with a learning disability, autism, mental health, physical and sensory needs. In May 2018, following a transformation project, the 3 commissioning teams within the Council, Specialist, Community (older people) and Children’s were aligned under a newly appointed Director of Commissioning. They also work in partnership with Wiltshire’s Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG).

As Commissioners they work with all stakeholders, partner agencies and providers across Wiltshire to:-

  • Create a stable and sustainable adult health and social care market
  • Ensure the customer experience of services is positive across all areas
  • Ensure continuity of service for our customers within their journey through health and social care
  • Implement a stable and fair pricing structure for support services
  • Work in partnership with providers to maintain good quality services and develop and share best practice amongst providers
  • Utilise best practice, performance and quality data and evidence, to support and develop a proactive approach to ensuring services are developed to meet the needs of the customers and future demand

This workshop explained the differences between supported living and residential care, to support young people to be more informed about the options available to them. It also gave an overview of how they maintain quality services whilst achieving best value for money. An overview of their commissioning intentions for the year ahead was also shared.

Building Bridges: Supporting People with Challenging Circumstances to Access Work & Education
The Building Bridges programme supports people across Swindon & Wiltshire who are facing significant challenges in being able to develop their skills, access education or move towards the world of work.

The programme is a partnership of local organisations with extensive experience in supporting people and giving them the skills and confidence they need to move forward.

The programme is jointly funded by the European Social Fund and the Big Lottery Fund. Taking part in the programme is entirely voluntary and all of the advice and support is offered completely free of charge.

It is led by Community First and delivered by 40 cross-sector partners who all have a strong delivery record in helping people across both Swindon & Wiltshire. An individual solution focused plan is developed for every participant, with support being drawn from across the whole partnership as needed.

Individual plans can be developed in liaison with carers and support workers who are already helping the participant, and the programme support is not time constrained - plans can be adapted and evolved over time to meet the participant’s needs.

The workshop explained the support available from Building Bridges in more detail and how their collaborative approach is helping to deliver more effective outcomes.

Event Evaluation

Take a look at our Evaluation Report to see everyone’s comments and feedback about the day.

Overview of SENDIS Event 2018

On Friday 2nd February 2018, Wiltshire Parent Carer Council (WPCC) held its annual Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information Service (SENDIS) Event at the Corn Exchange in Devizes. This event showcased Local Offer provision across Wiltshire and provided an opportunity for parent carers and professionals to access the information in a more interactive way.

The ‘Market Place’ of information was the main focus of the event and included 43 information stands covering the following key areas: Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, Short Breaks, information for young people, support for parent carers and health; 66 parent carers and 13 professionals attended as well as representatives from the organisations running stands. As usual there were plenty of opportunities for networking and sharing. Parent carers were also able to visit our Wiltshire Parent Carer Council stand for assistance with their Wiltshire Short Breaks Scheme 2018/19 applications.

In addition to the market place of information stands, there were three information workshop sessions repeated throughout the day. Details of the sessions can be found below, along with some of the presentation slides and notes.

Wiltshire’s Local Offer website

Wiltshire’s Local Offer website launched on 1st September 2014 in response to SEND legislation. It describes the range of services and support for children and young people, aged 0-25 with SEND. One of the ways that information about the Local Offer is made accessible is via the Local Offer website and information on the website contains a wide range of information such as, education, health, social care, preparing for adulthood and leisure.

In response to feedback received about the current Wiltshire Local Offer website, the WPCC facilitated a series of sessions in June 2017 to understand from parent carers and other stakeholders how the Local Offer website could be improved. As a result of these sessions, much work has been taking place behind the scenes to develop a brand new website, designed to respond to the suggestions made during the sessions with parent carers and other stakeholders.

The workshops at WPCC’s SENDIS Event was an opportunity for attendees to see the work that has taken place so far in the re-designing of the Local Offer website and also provided an ideal opportunity for parent carers to share any further feedback and thoughts on the new website.
Wiltshire Local Offer presentation slides, Feedback received

Reading: some of the difficulties and what may help

Reading is an important skill. When we are motivated to read as a child, research shows this has an extremely beneficial effect on school grades and achievement. Reading ‘little and often’ is recommended; research shows that just 10 minutes of daily reading can significantly boost school performance.

Some children can experience barriers to reading, none more so than a child with special educational needs and disabilities, including those with dyslexia. Dyslexia can make it difficult for people to read and spell, yet it is often misunderstood or overlooked when a child is struggling to learn to read or write.

This workshop was for parent carers who wanted to find out more about how to help their children read little and often and for those who might be worried about their child’s reading. It was mainly aimed to support parent carers of primary aged children, but there were also strategies and advice relevant to children of all ages. The workshop looked at:-

  • Reading engagement, enjoyment and encouragement
  • Difficulties with reading, and what we can do about them
  • Supporting your child at home: some top advice from the Specialist SEN Service presenters and a chance to ask questions

Reading workshop presentation slides, presentation notes

Special Education Needs and Disabilities Information, Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS) workshop

The SENDIASS in Wiltshire is known as W.I.S.A. which stands for Wiltshire Independent Support and Advice. This is a free, impartial service for parents and carers, child and young people in relation to special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) to support them to understand their rights in relation to SEND and to help make informed choices. The service supports parents to be able to express their views within the Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) process and on other educational issues, including tribunals and exclusions. W.I.S.A. is currently managed by Action for Children; from April 2018 the service will be managed by an organisation called KIDS.

KIDS are a national charity, founded over 47 years ago, providing a wide range of support services to disabled children, young people and their families. They support children with any disability from birth to 25 years of age and offer their support to the whole family with the aim of giving disabled children a brighter future. Their vision is a world in which all disabled children and young people realise their aspirations.

The workshops were an opportunity for parent carers and professionals to meet the new managers, to understand more about the service, hear about future plans and it was also an ideal opportunity to hear what workshop attendees would like from the service.
SENDIASS presentation slides, presentation notes including service feedback

Everyone who attended our SENDIS Event was asked to complete an evaluation form; the results can be found in our Evaluation Feedback Report

Transitions Information Event 2017 Overview

On Friday 6th October 2017, Wiltshire Parent Carer Council held a free Transitions Event for parent carers and professionals who work with children and/or young people aged 0-25 who have Special Educational Needs and/or a disability (SEND); 100 parent carers and 35 professionals attended the event.

The aim of the day was to help parents and carers to consider some of the things they should be thinking about as their child with SEND approaches adulthood. A series of workshops took place during the day alongside a ‘marketplace’ of stands from local services and providers in Wiltshire to help provide information and to help answer questions. There were 31 stands in the marketplace covering information on short breaks, information for young people, support and health.

The day began by officially launching and explaining the Route to Adulthood ‘map’ that was designed and created in partnership with parent carers as a result of the Transition Mapping workshop sessions we ran in 2016. If you would like to view Wiltshire’s Transitions Map please [click here].

The presentation was followed by a presentation by Wiltshire Centre for Independent Living (Wilts CIL) who explained a project they are embarking on called the DRILL Project. This project, led by disabled people or people with long term health conditions, will explore young disabled people’s experiences of growing into adulthood with the hope that the results will help support disabled people to live more independently, and be part of the communities they live in. To view The Drill Project presentation slides please click here.

Following these presentations, a series of workshops were available covering topics to help young people and their families understand options and plan for their future adult lives. The workshops are listed below along with links to the presentation slides and speaker notes:-

Wiltshire Employment Support Team (WEST) and Community Connecting (by Sam Buchanan and Marnie Kemp)
WEST forms part of a wider team called Employment and Community Skills.
The Wiltshire Employment Support Team (WEST) assists young people into finding and sustaining varying levels of paid employment with local employers. This is done by looking at different types of paid employment that will suit the young person based upon their skills, interests and experience.
Community Connecting is also part of the Employment and Community Skills team. They assist young people who have a My Plan aged 14 to 25 and young people with autism aged 16 to 25 who don’t have a My Plan. They are able to help young people find out more about their local community and how they can access some of the following: finding voluntary work, socialising, joining a club, Further Education; including College courses and other training opportunities, using their community facilities to do things that they enjoy, meeting friends, traineeships, travel training.
This workshop explained in more detail about the support available from WEST and Community Connecting to support Young people to move on from education and into work, and how they can be supported to develop interests and a social life in their community. Presentation slides

Somewhere to Live with the Right Support (by Tasha Benger and Linda Drew) It is an aspiration in Wiltshire for all young people to grow up to live as independently as possible, having choice and control over their lives.
This workshop explored and explained the range of living options available to young people with SEND in Wiltshire. Young people and their families considering the most appropriate options for when the young person no longer wishes to live at home were able to hear about a range of options including: supported living, housing options and residential care, and how decisions are made about the most appropriate provision. Presentation slides and Presentation notes

Young Peoples’ Experiences of Transitioning to Adulthood (by Nora Ryan, Jenny Oliver, Kieran Smith, David Ballin & Dan McAleavy)
Moving towards adulthood for any young person is often fraught with anxiety, fear and challenge; it can be even more daunting for a young person with SEND, and their family. To make sure that the needs and aspirations of our young people are planned for, it is essential that planning starts early enough, and young people and their parent carers have access to the right information at the right time.
This workshop shared the real experiences of young people with SEND living in Wiltshire and their families as told by themselves, as they transitioned into adulthood and what their lives look like now [Click here] to view the film.

Journey from School to College and Beyond (by Nicola Walsh, John Hobbs, Tony Green & Helen Beer)
Education and training can mean different things to different people. The Department for Education (DfE) believes that the SEND Reforms should mean that children and young people are better prepared for adulthood. They acknowledge that the majority of young people with EHC plans complete their further education with their peers by the age of 18, and they expect this to continue. The DfE states that there is not ‘an automatic entitlement to continued support at age 19 or an expectation that those with an EHC plan should remain in education until age 19’ (DfE Guidance, SEND: 19-to-25-year-olds’ entitlement to EHC plans, February 2017). However, Wiltshire Council recognises that young people with SEND often need longer to complete and consolidate their education and training, and accept that many young people with SEND may wish to continue their further education until the age of 19. Some young people with SEND will be able to progress their education beyond this and these decisions would be supported wherever appropriate (usually where there is academic progression or progression towards an employment outcome).
Students planning to continue in education will have a range of options and this workshop looked at a range of education and training options that don’t always mean attending special school or college. This included exploring some case studies of young people who have creative and person centred educational provision and described ‘what a week might look like’. The workshop also described what is available within the Local Offer, including Direct Payments, and how individual packages can be created for the small number of young people who need something beyond what the Local Offer can provide. Presentation slides and Presentation notes

Overview of WPCC SENDIS Event 2017

On 3rd February 2017, Wiltshire Parent Carer Council (WPCC) hosted another successful information event at the Corn Exchange in Devizes to showcase Local Offer provision across the county, and provide an opportunity for parent carers and professionals alike to access Local Offer information in an interactive way.

Just like last year, our ‘Market Place’ of information was the main focus of this event. 45 information stands were available on the day, including:- Rainbow Trust, Fairfield Farm College, Employment and Community Skills, Travel Training, Healthwatch Wiltshire, Wiltshire Portage, Oral Health, Behaviour Support, Spurgeon’s Young Carers, Sex Education, Community Children’s Learning Disability Health Service, Healthy Me, Ability Sports, Julia’s House Hospice, Wiltshire College, CAMHS, Learndirect, Wiltshire Wildlife Trust, Carer Support Wiltshire - to name a few!

The event was well attended by parent carers, professionals and those running information stands, so there were plenty of opportunities for networking and sharing. Parent carers were also able to visit our WPCC stand for help to complete their Wiltshire Short Breaks Scheme 2017/18 applications.

As well as the information stands, there were three information sessions available throughout the day. Details of the sessions can be found below along with some of the presentation slides / notes:-

Mental Capacity Act 2005
(Facilitated by Martin Pettingell (Head of the Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence Department at Clarke Willmott))
Presentation slides, summary of information session

The Primary Behaviour Support Team (PBS) and the Wiltshire Learning Disability Service (LDS) collectively ran a session on managing challenging behaviour. The PBS gave a talk about positive behaviour support strategies from a primary perspective, and in the second half of the session, the LDS spoke about the types of support available to young people and adults through the Community Team for People with Learning Disabilities (CTPLD).
Primary Behaviour Service presentation
Summary of Primary Behaviour Service information session
Summary of CTPLD information session

Transformation Plan for Children and Young People’s Mental Health and Wellbeing
(Facilitated by James Fortune, Wiltshire's Lead Commissioner for Children/ Young People’s Mental Health)
Similar to the national picture, locally there is a high and growing demand for child and youth mental health services, with over two thousand children and young people accessing Wiltshire CAMHS in the last year. This workshop was a repeat and update to the session that took place at our Health Event in October 2016. Last time, due to a clash with other workshops, some people were unable to attend this session. Hopefully by repeating it, those who were unable to attend last time, were able to at this event. The session included an opportunity to ask questions as well as finding out about the work that has taken place/ coming up to support children and young people with mental health and emotional wellbeing needs in Wiltshire.
Summary of information session

Everyone who attended the information event was asked to complete an evaluation form; the evaluation report will follow soon.

Overview of WPCC Health Information Event

Held at the Corn Exchange, Devizes – 14th October 2016

This event enabled us to showcase some of the health elements of Wiltshire’s Local Offer, the journey so far following the re-commissioning of Community Child Health Services, and gave attendees an opportunity to see some of the varied health provision and support available in Wiltshire. The day offered a range of information stands where attendees could talk to and interact with different services who work together to support the health and wellbeing of children and young people with SEND, and also engage with some of the services that provide direct support for the health and wellbeing of parent carers. The information on offer at the event was enhanced by a menu of information and workshop sessions which ran through most of the day.

Representation and Attendance

There were 30 stands in the marketplace including the following areas:
Community Child Health services, diet and exercise, sensory services and support.

We started the morning with a presentation by Community Child Health Services – please click here to view their presentation slides.

Parent carers were able to book up to two of the 6 workshop sessions on offer throughout the day; these were:-

Everyone who came along to our event was asked to complete an evaluation form to let us know what they thought about the day. Feedback was very positive and constructive and you can take a look at the responses in our Event Evaluation Report

WPCC SENDIS Event Overview

On 5th February 2016, Wiltshire Parent Carer Council (WPCC) hosted an information event at the Corn Exchange in Devizes to showcase Local Offer provision across the county, and provide an opportunity for parent carers and professionals alike to access Local Offer information in an interactive way.

A total of 44 information stands were available on the day covering SEND, Short Breaks, Information and Support for Young People, Support for Parent Carers, and Health Services. Over 200 people attended the event including parent carers, some young people, professionals and those running information stands. As well as showcasing Local Offer information and making it accessible interactively, it enabled everybody attending to network and share.

Three workshops also took place during the day. Please click on the headings below if you’d like to read the summaries of the workshops:-

Sex Education for Children and Young People with SEND

Personal Budgets and Support Planning

Openstorytellers - Developing Personal Story Skills to Build Confidence and Improve Inclusion

Everyone who attended the information event was asked to complete an evaluation form, feedback was extremely positive and constructive. You can see what people had to say about the event HERE.

Overview of Transitions Event

On Monday 9th March 2015, the Wiltshire Parent Carer Council held a Transitions Information Event at the Corn Exchange in Devizes for parent carers of children with a SEN and/ or a disability (SEND) to find out more about some of the things they should be thinking about in preparation for certain times of ‘transition’ in their children’s lives. The event looked at ‘transition’ in its widest sense, so moving from Early Years to school, transition within the health service and moving into adulthood.

This event was well-attended by parent carers and professionals. We also invited providers from a range of services including Wiltshire’s SEND team and Health Services such as the Community Children’s Learning Disability Nursing team, Speech & Language and CAMHS. There were also various agencies who support families such as Action for Children, Carer Support Wiltshire, MENCAP, and the Wiltshire Centre for Independent Living, plus many more.

The day comprised of information workshops, 1-to-1 surgery appointments and a marketplace of information from local services and providers in Wiltshire.

For those who were unable to attend the event, here is a description of the workshops, along with copies of the presentation slides. If you were at the event, you may still find the slides useful for future reference.

To start, Nicholas Breakwell (Head of SEND Service) gave a short talk about ‘Personalisation in the Children and Families Act 2014, what it really means and how Wiltshire is addressing it’. This was followed by the following workshops throughout the day:-

Early Years - Things parent carers should be thinking about before their child with SEND starts school
by Tina Jones (Early Years Inclusion Co-ordinator)
Click here to see the Early Years Pupil Premium Presentation
Click here to see the Early Years Starting Primary Presentation

SEN Statements and My Plans - Conversions of existing Statements of SEN to My Plans, the timetable for conversions, what the process looks like and how WISA/ Independent Supporters can support parent carers and their children and young people in the process
by Maggie Dalton & Caroline Bell (Team Leads SEND Service)
Click here to see the SEN Statements and My Plans Presentation

Beyond School/ College - Support for young people across Wiltshire transitioning on from school in terms of employment, training, education support and building a social life etc.
by Richard Wells (Wiltshire Employment Support Team) and Gareth Skuse (Community Connections)
Click here to see the Beyond School/College Presentation

Support with Employment - An update on how this year’s Supported Internship pilot is going. What the interns have been doing, the preparation they are receiving for employment, how they have found the pilot etc.
by Graham Logan (Job Coach), Gulliver Methuen-Campbell (Tutor), Caroline Smith (Job Coach) and Ashley, Sean and Sian (Interns)
Click here to see the Support with Employment Presentation

Health - Things parent carers of young people with SEND need to think about in preparation for their child moving from children's services to adult services within the NHS and the services that are there to support them.
by Val Srase (Head of Children & Young People’s Community Health Services), Shirley Wiltshire (Clinical Lead, Childrens Specialist Community Services) and Michelle Maguire (CAMHS Head of Service for Swindon, Wilts & BANES)
Click here to see the Health Presentation

To see the full event feedback and our responses, please click here.