Next WPCC Information Event
Following the success of the recent WPCC Information Event: Preparation for Adulthood, we are delighted to announce the date of our next SEND Information Event.
Please hold the date, ready to join us on Friday 7th February 2025 at the Civic Centre Trowbridge for our SEND Information Event. We are in the very earliest stages of planning for this event and we will release more information in due course, but for now we can say that:-
• The event will run from 9:30am to 2:00pm
• Free refreshments will be available
• Parent carers will be able to claim out of pocket expenses incurred by attending, including mileage and car parking
• You are welcome to drop in at a time that suits you, stay for the whole day or just an hour or two
• The event will not have a specific theme, other than SEND, and we are hoping to attract information stands representing services within education, leisure/activities, health, support for carers, social care, housing, and more…
We hope to see you there.