Parent carers of children and young people with SEND aged 0-25, resident in Wiltshire (excluding Swindon) are invited to register with the WPCC. Parent Carers is a term the WPCC uses to include birth parents, foster parents, adoptive parents, grandparents or any other adult over the age of 18 who is raising or helping to raise a child or young person with SEND.
Registering with the WPCC is free and brings many benefits. By registering with the WPCC, you will receive our free weekly newsletter which is full of information to help and support parent carers of children and young people with SEND in Wiltshire, and often professionals as well. Through our newsletter, you will find out about events, workshops and courses, training opportunities, activities for children and young people, opportunities to have a say and help shape some of the services you use, and so much more.
If you receive our weekly newsletter, you are already registered with the WPCC.
By registering with the WPCC, it enables us to get a better picture of the parent carers we are representing, communicating with and supporting. This helps us to ensure we are being as inclusive as possible.
To register, you can: -
• complete our [Online Registration Form]
• or download, print and complete our [Paper Registration Form] which you will need to either post free to the address below, scan and email it to us at: reception@wiltspcc.co.uk or give us the details over the telephone on 01225 764647.
If you download, print and complete the registration form, please make sure that the form is signed/dated with your consent.
If posting your Registration Form, you can post it to us via our FREEPOST Address.
Simply write the following on the envelope: FREEPOST WPCC (no other information is needed). Expense forms can also be sent to this freepost address.
To find out more about the benefits of WPCC membership, read our latest newsletter.