Signposting - Support for families


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Section: Signposting

Support for families


ADHD – Information, Resources and Support
Able Hands Together - new family service
Adapt & Live - Previously Known As Disabled Living
Additional Funding for SEND Services
All Together Wiltshire - One Stop Information Online
Ambitious About Autism Publish ‘Know Your Normal’ Toolkit
Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID) Q&A sessions
Barnardo's LGBTQ+ Support Resource List
Bereavement by Suicide Support
Bristol Airport - Sensory Room in Departure Lounge
Bristol Airport Special Assistance – Hidden Disabilities
COVID-19: Domestic Abuse Support
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Transport, Childcare
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Manor School Bereavement Hub, The Wiltshire Autism Information Pack
MQ and boys.JPG
When someone in the family has special educational needs or disability, everybody is affected.

In this section you will find links to organisations and charities that offer valuable support for parent carers and siblings as well as children and young people with special educational needs or disability.

On the right of this page, you will see information articles and resources. The articles are listed alphabetically and there is space for only a few articles to be shown. Click on Show all articles to open a new page with a list from A to Z of all the articles, information and resources we have relevant to this area of our website.


Support for parents & carers
Support for your child
Support for siblings
WPCC Autism Information Pack
Wiltshire’s Carers’ Strategy 2017 - 2022
Job vacancies and volunteering opportunities within other organisations