Signposting - Childcare


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Section: Signposting



Are you interested in becoming a childminder?
Childcare Choices
Childcare helpline
Early Years Pupil Premium and the Disability Access Fund
Early years inclusion funding
Government Funded Free Hours for Childcare
Online childcare directory
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Sure Start Children’s Centres
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Like all parents, those who have disabled children need flexible and affordable childcare that can allow them to work or train.

You'll find a wealth of information about all aspects of childcare on Wiltshire Council's Early years and childcare web pages, including how to choose a childminder, pre-school or nursery and how to deal with concerns.

If you are unable to find what you are looking for, you can call the information helpline. Alternatively, you can email your question to the childcare team and they will be happy to help you.