Signposting - Support for families - Free Holiday Activity & Food Programme for Eligible Children & Young People


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Free Holiday Activity & Food Programme for Eligible Children & Young People

FUEL is the holiday activity and food programme (HAF) that is funded by the Department of Education. FUEL provides eligible school-aged children with free access to enriching activities, nutritious meals and healthy eating information during the Easter, Summer and Christmas holidays.

The HAF programme is delivered in Wiltshire using the brand FUEL (Food, Unity, Energy, Laughter) and the programme is a direct response to the growing issue of holiday hunger.

Who is eligible for the FUEL Programme?
The FUEL Programme a bespoke provision for school aged children from Reception to year 11 who receive benefit-related free school meals.

Benefits-related free school meals (FSM) are available to pupils if their parents are in receipt of [one of the qualifying benefits], and have a claim verified by their school or local authority.

The FUEL Programme is also available to children that meet any of the below: -
• children that are refugees
• children that are currently in the care system
• young carers
• children that are referred into the programme by a professional service (e.g. Local authority, schools, social service)

Summer 2024 Programme
Booking for the Summer programme is open and now and will stay open until 5th August. Bookings need to be made two weeks in advance to enable arrangements for food provision to be made.

SEND specific activities will run as follows: -
Corsham (The Pound Arts Centre, Springfield Campus) each Monday and Tuesday from 30th July (no session on 29th) for four weeks
Salisbury (Sarum Academy, The Young Gallery) each Wednesday and Thursday from 31st July for four weeks

Each session will run from 10:30am until 1:30pm.

Click [HERE] for more information and booking.