Signposting - Special educational needs - An Update from Wiltshire Council’s SEND Service on Wiltshire’s new SEND Support Plan Template


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An Update from Wiltshire Council’s SEND Service on Wiltshire’s new SEND Support Plan Template

A SEND Support Plan is a document that can be used for children and young people with identified SEND, to plan outcome-focussed and person-centred support, concentrating on individual needs and priorities. In Wiltshire, these plans have been known and referred to by many people as ‘My Support Plans’.

A SEND Support Plan has information about the child’s needs and the support they are getting, and should be written and reviewed in partnership with the parent carer and young person. It reflects the four-stage cycle of ‘Assess, Plan, Do, Review’ and can help co-ordinate support if there are several professionals or services involved.

SEND Support Plans should be used for children and young people who are at the SEND Support stage of the SEND Code of Practice, within their current educational setting. It is not a statutory document and some schools and settings may choose to use their own template and approach to this level of support.

As part of Wiltshire Council’s consultation on SEND improvements, we received significant feedback from parent and carers, educational settings and other professionals that the old style ‘My Support Plan’ needed updating, making it more person-centred and user friendly for all.

In response to this feedback, SEND Services have been working with a group of SENCos from a variety of education settings to design a new SEND Support Plan template, replacing the current ‘My Support Plan’. The working group produced a draft copy that was then tested and reviewed in schools and settings. Parents and carers also gave feedback as part of this process in school.

A reviewed SEND Support Plan or equivalent document is required as part of the evidence submitted by the educational setting, when requesting that the local authority carries out a statutory EHC Needs Assessment.

You can read more about the SEND Support Plan and view the template, on the [Wiltshire SEND Local Offer webpages].

Please Note, when you click on this Education Health and Care Needs Assessment link, you then need to scroll down the page to find the 'SEND Support Plan' information.