Signposting - Moving to adult life - Employment


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Section: Signposting

Subsection: Signposting - Moving to adult life



Access to Work Grants
Alabaré Development Centres
Brandon Trust employment service
Disability Employment Advisors
Employ My Ability – Guided Tours & Taster Sessions
Free Ten-Week Programme for Young People Aged 18 to 35 at Risk of Long-Term Unemployment
Links to Work
Mencap – Employment Services for People with a Learning Disability
Mencap’s Easy Read Guides to Finding Work
National Careers Service
New video! Employment for young people with SEND
Online Employability Services for Young Wheelchair Users
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Getting a job boosts self-esteem, fosters independence and makes life much more interesting - and it helps pay the bills!

All people have the right to work, but people with learning disabilities are not always given the right opportunities to realise their potential.

This page aims to provide you with some information about how you can help the young person you care for get a job and lead an independent life.