The Wiltshire Parent Carer Council (WPCC) offers a specialist consultation and participation service which enables parent carers to have a 'voice' about the services and support their children and families receive.
Parent carers have, through raising their own families, gained first-hand experience of using services. By listening to what they have to say, we can clearly identify what is working well, what needs improving and where there are gaps in provision, i.e. where services are needed but do not currently exist. The information WPCC gathers is fed directly to the local authority by WPCC Parent Representatives who meet on a regular basis with officers from Wiltshire Council, NHS and other agencies.
The WPCC is predominantly made up of volunteer parents and carers resident in Wiltshire (excluding Swindon) who have children and young people aged 0-25 years with disabilities or special educational needs. The disabilities our children have range from learning or physical disabilities, sensory or communication impairment, complex health needs, epilepsy, emotional behavioural difficulties or Autistic Spectrum Disorder (this is not an exhaustive list).
The WPCC may commission the services of specialist individuals who have relevant experience, skills or an interest in the work of the WPCC to fulfil certain roles/ tasks as needed. We expect our children, young people and families to be appropriately supported so that they can function as a family without the feeling of constant struggle.
The WPCC remains inspired by a quote from a parent in Sheffield (obtained from Contact A Family Parent Participation Guide): “I believe that professionals go into the caring profession because they want to help us and then they find that they have to defend a system that they have no control over. I feel like the system plays us off against each other and makes us enemies and wastes all our energies. But the professionals are our natural allies and when we work together we are very powerful partners!”
The WPCC aims to improve services and support available to children and young people aged 0-25 years with disabilities or special educational needs and their families living in Wiltshire. The WPCC aims to ensure that parents and carers have a voice that will significantly influence services delivered in Wiltshire through effective participation.
To meet its aims, the WPCC will:-
- Meet regularly and consult with parents and carers to gain an insight into their experiences of accessing or using services, to highlight common issues and identify gaps in provision.
- Survey parents and carers to present an accurate, informed and representative picture of experiences of services to service providers.
- Feedback results of consultations, surveys and results of strategic participation to all parent carers registered with the WPCC via email, website, public events etc.
- Provide and signpost relevant information to parents and carers via our website, telephone calls, newsletters, events etc.
Contribute to service development
- Participate in decision-making and planning for future service provision at a strategic level alongside colleagues at Wiltshire Council, NHS and other services or agencies to ensure they are meeting the needs of disabled children, young people and their families.
- Challenge existing services, in a constructive professional manner, and work together with service providers to find the best possible solutions to meet the needs of our members and their families.
- Actively engage at a strategic level in the design of service delivery through the Green Paper Pathfinder work and Disabled Children and Adults Review.
Limitations of Service
The WPCC wants to hear about experiences of parents and carers in accessing and using services from its wider members, however, the WPCC is unable to:-
- Intervene or help to resolve individual issues parents and carers may have
- Provide an advocacy service
- Offer grants or financial assistance
However, the WPCC will, as far as possible signpost parents and carers to appropriate agencies who may be able to offer them the individual support and guidance they require.