What's on - Event updates


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Section: What's on

Event updates

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What you think about our events is really important to us. Your comments help us to focus on what we do well in our future planning so that we can improve where needed.

On this page you'll find feedback from WPCC events that have been previously advertised.

Click on the links to open the reports.

Youth Service Consultation March 2014 - Update.

Thank you to everyone who participated in our recent Youth Service Consultations, either by attending one of our consultation events or by sending us your responses to be included in our Consultation Report. We have now written our Consultation Report incorporating all the feedback received and we submitted it to Wiltshire Council for consideration. We will update you on any progress or decision as a result of our submission to the Council's own consultation in due course.

Please click here to see a copy of the report submitted to the Council.

Preparing for Adulthood - 18th October 2013

The presentations from the day can be downloaded on the links below.

SENDIS information event - 22nd February 2013