Stuart Hall
Strategic Director
When he was born in 1996, Stuart’s son suffered a brain haemorrhage, leaving him with cerebral palsy, left hemiplegia, epilepsy, hydrocephalus and partial sightedness. In the early years, Stuart and his wife experienced a frustrating lack of support, resources and understanding.
Since the launch of Aiming High in 2008 however, Stuart believes that the picture has changed. He says “I am pleased to say that the needs of children and young people with disabilities and special needs seem to be much higher on Wiltshire Council’s agenda. I am proud to have played a part in the transformation of services in Wiltshire through my previous roles as Vice-Chair and Interim-Chair of the WPCC and it is very rewarding to see some of our achievements recognised at a national level.”
Stuart became Strategic Director of the WPCC in 2014. As Strategic Director of the WPCC, Stuart has overall responsibility for the Participation and Strategic work of the WPCC and the Special Educational Needs and Disability Information Service (SENDIS). Additionally, Stuart works locally, regionally and nationally with bodies including the National Network for Parent Carers (NNPCF), Contact and the DfE to ensure that the voice of parent carers and their experiences are not only heard at a local level in Wiltshire but also nationally to affect real change in services that families use. Stuart is an active member of many boards and working groups including FACT, the Local Offer Working Group, the Disability and SEN Trust Group, and Safeguarding of children and young people; additionally, Stuart meets regularly with many representatives of LA services, and organisations and services including health, commissioned providers and the voluntary sector.
You can contact Stuart using the details below.
01225 764647 (Option 1)