Signposting - Health & wellbeing - Mental health - Free Eating Disorder Skills Workshops for Parents and Carers


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Free Eating Disorder Skills Workshops for Parents and Carers

NHS England Workforce, Training and Education Division has funded the Charlie Waller Trust to deliver New Maudsley Carers Skills workshops direct to parents and carers. For dates and other resources please go to [New Maudsley Training Course Dates (]

There is no cost to parents or carers, and each course consists of 5 workshops covering: -

• Psychoeducation and empathy
• Cycle of change and motivational language
• Reflecting on caring responses
• What to try when things feel stuck
• Coaching your loved one to make their own changes
• Relapse contingency planning

There is also a [vimeo of Jenny Langley], one of the team who created the New Maudsley approach with Professor Janet Treasure which provides helpful information for families and services.