Hospital Passports
A hospital passport is designed to help people with additional needs who might need hospital treatment and is designed to help people to communicate their needs to doctors, nurses and other healthcare professionals. It is a good idea to keep your hospital passport updated so that it is ready for you to take with you, should you need to go into hospital.
If you haven’t got a hospital passport, you can download your local passport by searching on the internet for the name of your hospital followed by “hospital passport” or choose one you like from here: -
If you need help completing the form please ask: -
• someone who knows you well like a family member or support worker
• a social worker
• a support group you are in touch with
• sign up for a webinar with Learning Disability England. You can sign up [here]
Grab and Go Guide
The Grab and Go guide has been designed in partnership with people with learning disabilities, families and nurses. It gives the information that doctors and nurses will need if you go to hospital because of COVID-19 and, for example, are struggling to breathe. It is not a replacement for the everyday, detailed hospital passport. You should update your hospital passport and take that to hospital along with the Grab and Go guide if you need to be admitted.
See [GRAB AND GO] for more information, and guidance on how to complete a Grab and Go form. Click [FORM] to download your own Grab and Go Form.