Rachel Bunce


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Rachel has worked with animals since graduating from Liverpool University in 2006. She has also been an examiner for pet pharmacy qualifications, and more recently an exams invigilator at her daughter’s school. A highlight of her career so far was reuniting Ukrainian families relocated to the UK, with their beloved pets.

Rachel’s children are both on the neurodevelopmental pathway with suspected autism. She understands how frustrating and confusing finding appropriate support can be. Having recently navigated the EHCP process, she found our Time Out for Parents course a real lifeline in what can be a lonely experience. The advice and information provided by the WPCC was invaluable at the time.

Rachel is enjoying the challenge of her role as a WPCC outreach worker and is keen to help signpost and support other families through the many challenges that parents of children with SEND can face.

Email: out-reach@wiltspcc.co.uk
Telephone: 01225 764647 (1)