Naomi Paterson
Engagement Team - North
Naomi lives in Wiltshire and has four children living at home whose ages range from 5 to 19. Two of Naomi’s children have additional needs ranging from ASD, ADHD, sensory processing difficulties and Pathological Demand Avoidance.
Over the years, Naomi has accessed training to become a Reiki practitioner, a Cool Kids with Cool Minds tutor, and a massage therapist.
As a member of WPCC’s Engagement team, Naomi is keen to work with settings and meet parent carers to help support families to know about the WPCC.
Having many years of experience of finding her way through the special needs system as a parent carer, Naomi was keen to volunteer to become a member of WPCC’s Engagement team. As member of the WPCC, Naomi wants to help ensure that as many parent carers as possible are aware of the WPCC, so that they can access support, reduce their struggles, and make sure their voice and experiences help to shape and improve the services they access.
01225 764647 (Option 1)