Kieran McCaldon


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Kieran McCaldon
Office Manager

Graduating from Bath Spa University in 2016 with a 2:1 degree in Business Management, Kieran started working at the WPCC in February 2018. As WPCC’s Office Manager, Kieran is responsible for many aspect of the day to day running of the office behind the scenes including: managing and updating WPCC databases and membership, GDPR and Data Protection compliance, booking venues for events and arranging catering, finance, and general office administration, as well some providing some PA support to the WPCC’s Strategic Director. Kieran also produces WPCC’s Short Breaks Bulletin five times a year.

Kieran himself has an Aspergers diagnosis and says he understands and appreciates that life can be frustrating and confusing when Special Educational Needs and Disabilities are involved, especially when the disability is very much unseen. However, Kieran also said that he thinks there have been significant positive changes in recent years since he was at school, and said that “It has been great to see how much support people gain from WPCC and how it is able to give people a voice who otherwise would not be heard”.

You can contact Kieran using the details below.

Telephone: 01225 764647 (Option 1)