0-5 Behaviour - ONLINE - 2022/12/01 - 1


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0-5 Behaviour

Thursday 1st December 2022
Time 10am-12pm
For parent carers of children aged 0-5

Encouraging positive behaviour workshop by Contact

Gain a better understanding of why young children with additional needs behave the way they do. Learn ways to handle difficult situations in a calm, stress-free manner. Explore ways of supporting and encouraging your child and how to get support and help.

Thursday 1 December 10:00 am to 12:00 pm

This workshop will be held on Zoom. They will give advice on how to install and use Zoom before the workshop is held, if you require this. If you prefer to not be visible or audible on screen that is fine.

They are committed to offering workshops that are accessible to the widest audience possible. If you have any accessibility needs regarding this workshop, please contact training.admin@contact.org.uk as early as possible.

For more information on the workshop and to book [click here]


Event type: Other
Organisation Contact