Signposting - Moving to adult life - Employment - WEST - Wiltshire Employment Support Team


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WEST - Wiltshire Employment Support Team

The Wiltshire Employment Support Team aims to support people with SEND in their efforts to find and sustain paid work with local employers.

They have a team of job coaches who provide help with making decisions and looking for opportunities in the local area.

Here are a couple of links to short films that can illustrate the kind of support on offer through both WEST and Community Connecting:

You can also find them on [Facebook], where you can find regular information and hear from some of the people they support.

WEST produce a quarterly newsletter, packed with useful tips, including how to present yourself at work, benefits, Jobcentre rules and employment rights. The February 2023 edition of the WEST newsletter is available to download Here.

Since their last newsletter WEST have been voted in the ‘contribution to sustainable travel award, from Modeshift. The team were shortlisted and are delighted to have won both awards. Independent travel is a really important skill to learn that widens opportunities for moving into work.
[Double award for Wiltshire Council team that helps young people with SEND to travel independently - Wiltshire Council]

To find out more, contact the WEST administration office on 01225 718004.