Wiltshire Council has provided the following statement about the Short Breaks Scheme this year:
Wiltshire Council continues to be fully committed to providing the short breaks service in the county, and to helping to support children and young people with SEND, and their families/carers.
Wiltshire Council, like all councils, is facing significant financial pressures. We have seen a further large increase in the number of eligible children and young people who qualify for support under the Short Breaks Scheme. This means that, with regret, payment amounts this year see a reduction from last year. This reduction has been necessary to ensure that as a council, we are able to support eligible children, young people and families in Wiltshire, and that the funding supports as many children and young people as possible.
To support this, it has been decided that the first payments will be up to £200 for the Scheme payment option and up to £100 for the COMBO. The second payment will be up to £60 for the scheme payment or up to £30 for the COMBO option. This will mean a total of up to £260 for Scheme Payment option and up to £130 for the COMBO option.
This year, despite challenging financial pressures, we are pleased to be delivering a greater offer as part of our activity and clubs provision. Furthermore, as part of a new two-year agreement, we will be working to minimise any impact on the payment amount for 2025-26.
We are also continuing to support the Small Grant Scheme to provide additional inclusive opportunities in the community for the children and young people with SEND in Wiltshire, and we will continue to look for ways to make sure that we support all those with SEND across the county.
Finally, over the next two years, Wiltshire Council is committed to working with parents and carers on a long-term plan for Short Breaks, ensuring that it continues to meet growing demand for services while striving to support parents and carers, children and young people in receiving the best provision possible. Details on how to get involved will be published in the summer of 2024.
The WPCC is mindful of the impact on families as a result of the significant reduction in the payment amount this year and we have expressed our concerns to the LA. As a result of conversations and in response to parent carer feedback, you will see from the Wiltshire Council statement above there has been investment in increased activity and club provision, which we hope will mean that families do not experience the same challenges when trying to book activity club sessions that many experienced last year. Wiltshire Council is also continuing to invest in the Small Grants Scheme to help support communities to develop more inclusive opportunities for children and young people with SEND, (The WPCC published details of the Small Grants Scheme in previous newsletters and on its website). Additionally, in an effort to introduce more stability to the scheme, as part of a two-year agreement, the LA is working on measures to minimise the impact on the payment amount for 2025 to 2026.
The WPCC is engaging in ongoing conversations with the LA about the Short Breaks Scheme and we would welcome your support. To help bolster our representation, we would be grateful for brief details of the importance of the scheme to your child or young person and your family, and the impacts this had on both them and your family.
To share your support and help us in our representation, please click [HERE] to complete our questionnaire.