Rosie Dalgado


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Rosie Dalgado
Volunteer Coordinator

Rosie has two wonderful children, aged 7 and 3. Her first child has additional needs and received a diagnosis of being autistic at the age of 6. As such, SEND has become an important part of Rosie’s life. Navigating the systems in place to ensure that her child receives the right support has been a challenging experience. The journey so far has given Rosie an insight into the difference the right support can offer a child and the impact it can have on wellbeing and learning. Rosie and her family are hugely thankful to a range of services and educational staff for their input in to making sure life is happy and healthy.

Rosie has learnt so much from her children throughout the early years, especially the value of seeing things from different perspectives and the joy of sharing other people’s passions. Rosie has also drawn inspiration from other parent carers, and the first time she really felt at home with other parents was on a sensory processing parenting course. Being together was uplifting and empowering, and made Rosie realise the potential for learning when parent carers are brought together.

Rosie’s previous professional experience is in creating learning programmes and events for adult audiences in heritage organisations, and she has a love for history and art. Rosie also believes passionately in the rights of children and adults with Special Education Needs and/or Disabilities, and can’t wait to work with parent carers across Wiltshire as Volunteer Co-ordinator for the Wiltshire Parent Carer Council.

Telephone: 07598858320