Coronavirus - Hints, Tips and Strategies from Parent Carers


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Section: Coronavirus

Hints, Tips and Strategies from Parent Carers

Lockdown - Do You Have Any Tips or Strategies to Share?

As we continue to manage the best we can during lockdown, we are likely to find certain things that help us and our children to get through each day. If you have any simple tips that you find work for you, we would love to hear them and we will add them to a new section we are setting up on our website within the Coronavirus section. We hope with your help, tips and strategies that have been tried by other parent carers might be a really useful resource for others when they are beginning to struggle.

Tips and strategies that parent carers have shared with each other already include: -
• Keep a Routine: “We keep to the same routine every day. It has really helped my son’s anxiety”
• Teach Life Skills: "We are using the time to teach life skills – this was a lot more difficult before the lockdown”
• Don't Stress about Home Learning: “Try to make home schooling fun, so that it’s a positive experience with good memories you can share with your kids in the future.”
• Slow Down: “The lockdown is allowing us time together as a family that normal life didn’t – and the slower pace is nice!”
• It's Okay not to be Okay: “Go on online support groups and share your feelings. It’s ok not to be ok”
• One Day at a Time: "Just take each day as it comes, if today is a disaster, try again tomorrow” Can you add to these tips? Send your tips and strategies to: