Inclusive Gymnastics session in Larkhill - J Star Gymnastics
This session is specifically designed for children with SEN, ASD, and additional needs. These sessions are for children aged 4-15 years. Participants will be given the opportunity to learn basic gymnastics and co-ordination skills in a class tailored to suit their needs. Children will have full access to the whole gym in a safe quiet environment. This is a coach led class, but parents / guardians are asked to stay with their child throughout the session for support.
Please note they are only currently offering this for school age children and cannot offer sibling participation as numbers need to be kept to a minimum to keep the class calm and low ratios for coach gymnast interaction.
Additional needs classes are required to pay an annual fee to British Gymnastics to cover membership and Insurance after the second session.
Venue: Units E & F, OAK Building, Durrington Down Farm, Larkhill, Salisbury SP4 8NU
Date / time: Every Thursday 1830-1930 term time only.
Cost £7.50 per session, PAYG (cash only)
Age: 4-15 years
For more information, please see flyer in attachments, to view their website, click [HERE]