Signposting - Benefits money grants - Grants & charity funding - Carer Support Wiltshire - Grants Available


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Carer Support Wiltshire - Grants Available

Carers Support Logo.JPG
Carer Support Wiltshire (CSW) help carers (including parent carers) to access services, information, education and training, respite, and breaks from their caring role. They ensure they have a voice that is heard and work with health and social care professionals and employers to raise carer awareness and develop best practice.

CSW now have a new grant system for carers to access. Carers may be able to access up to £300 per year in order to enable them to continue their caring role and maintain/improve their emotional wellbeing.

The grant covers three areas of need:-

  • Isolation
  • Well Being
  • Breaks and Respite

To find out more information about the grants and to discuss your eligibility please contact CSW on 0800 181 4118.

You might also like to take a look at their website: [CSW Website]